(Click to enlarge image.)
Bless the Lord,
Oh My Soul,
and all that is within me
Bless His Holy Name!
--Pastor Hampton

Living Sanctuary of Faith
Church of God in Christ
701 Belleforte Avenue
Oak Park, Illinois 60302

Elder Bennie L. Hampton, Pastor
Greetings, in the mighty name of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  
We pray all is well with you.

We’ve come this far by faith, totally trusting in the Lord.

Therefore, we have nothing more important to broadcast than the
authenticity of what God has done in our lives.

In simple terms,
Ministry is a service for the Lord that involves
hardship and suffering, difficulties and pain.  Knowing this, we
accept our responsibility for proclaiming the good news of Jesus
Christ to the world.

During the time when all odds were against us, our faith in God
prevailed.  Giving in to opposition would have meant giving up
on God.  Either you believe God, or you don’t.  Faith moves God.
“Faith Without Works is Dead.”
James 2:17